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The material below is available free for download by simply signing up to our email list at the bottom

I hope it gets you started and helps you along the way!

(for more resources check out "resources" above)

Basic Training

A primer to help the beginner understand the opening steps to find sexual freedom

Stopwatch Cycle

The regular cycle we employ as we move over and over toward porn activities

Beating Porn in our 30's

The unique challenges that porn presents in our 30's and the way we can defeat it

Beating Porn in our 50's

The unique challenges that porn presents in our 50's and the way we can defeat it

Band of Brothers

Group PRinciples

Ten guiding principles to help ensure a safe and effective men's support group

Beating Porn in our 20's

The unique challenges that porn presents in our 20's and the way we can defeat it

Beating Porn in our 40's

The unique challenges that porn presents in our 40's and the way we can defeat it

Beating Porn in our 60's

The unique challenges that porn presents in our 60's and the way we can defeat it

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